Does the Government Need a Ramen Intervention?

After finishing my income tax and consumption tax returns, I decided to treat myself to a bowl of ramen at my favorite shop. Even though I only go there every two or three months, they treat me like a regular. The ramen is delicious, the service is friendly, and the excellent background music really sets the place apart. The foamy topping on the ramen is fabulous.

My e-Tax experience, however, was less than stellar. I ran into some issues while filing my taxes online using e-Tax. I encountered garbled text and errors, and after contacting support, I found out that the e-Tax software isn't compatible with my operating system. It's frustrating that the Japanese government, despite being a large entity, can't keep their software updated. Since downgrading my OS is a hassle, I asked if it was possible to file just the consumption tax return via mobile. The support agent (who seemed to be new) told me to contact the tax office about tax classifications. I ended up explaining the basic differences between income tax and consumption tax returns and clarifying that consumption tax returns can indeed be filed via e-Tax. It felt like I was teaching the support agent the basics. In the end, I managed to file both returns successfully. 

This year, I also need to file an inheritance tax return. Unfortunately, the e-Tax software's OS incompatibility I mentioned in detail above means I can't do it online. I'll have to print out the forms and physically go to the tax office. It's disappointing that government services lag so far behind private companies in terms of digital convenience. I hope the Digital Agency will prioritize building a more user-friendly system in the future.

Speaking of good service, the ramen was lovely. Government service needs a noodle lift. From ramen bliss to e-tax blues.  It started snowing outside, swirling like the foamy topping on my ramen...

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