The Sun also Rises

I sometimes dream of nightmares like mental training exercises - such dreams where I was in a battlefield and made me test fight or flight. As if I was training how to deal with these high stress situations and producing cortisol or adrenaline to take an action while I was dreaming and I was doing the right steps to shift from fear to hope in every nightmares. 

I wish those nights would allow me to have beautiful dreams before going to sleep. 

On this night, I meet in a dream with many characters, including those I met in the real world like my life returned.

I rode stilts, very big stilts, and was very good for going out due to the direction of a haunted house ghost rehearsal. That was a very bad rehearsal. The ghosts will probably be more surprised by the guests.

There seems to be more work to do for me

The Sun also Rises - 

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